French literature basically involves writings in medieval French dialects and standard modern French. Literary works in Provençal and Breton dialect are considered separate and so are the works produced in abroad in French, like Canadian literature, French. So it can be safely summarized as worked produced within the geographical boundary of France in French language. Just like everything else French, the literature in French language is one of five main languages dedicated depicting romance. Unlike English literature which was greatly influenced by Shakespeare and the Italian literature had Dante, French literature was not influenced by a single literary figure.
Step Sisters in Literature?
Sis Loves Me is digital series that shows the really awkward sexual situations between step siblings in their daily life. While it’s all fantasy it gave us an idea that this trends must be originating from history. And it does!
French literature should be responsible for bringing us these taboo subjects to bright daylight. We are actually pretty sure that step sisters porn is the result of dirty minds of French authors. True or false?

Contemporary French literature can be loosely interpreted to have started from 2000 onwards. There is term for the French literature produced in the last ten years and it is called extrême contemporain. This term was used for the first time by writer in Michel Chaillou in 1989. Contemporary French authors include: David Foenkinos, Jonathan Littell, Jean-Michel Espitallier, Christophe Tarkos, Chloé Delaume, Olivier Cadiot, Patrick Bouvet, Nathalie Quintane, Charles Pennequin, Nina Bouraoui, Frédéric-Yves Jeannet, Hubries le Dieu, Edouard Levé, Arno Bertina, Bruno Guiblet, Tristan Garcia, and Christophe Fiat. France boasts of numerous literary awards like Prix Décembre, Grand Prix du roman de l’Académie française, Prix Flore, Prix Femina, Prix Goncourt, Prix Médicis, Prix Interallié, and Prix Renaudot. The fight to choose the best among the best, in 2011 a controversial new award was initiated known as Prix des prix littéraires (“Prize of Literary Prizes”) which chose the winner from among the winners of the awards mentioned above.
The French has given us more than just good wine, haute couture and romance. It seems they have a way with words as well! The new-age French writers are gaining popularity not only in France but beyond geographical borders. When it comes to French literature or reading about something related to France we always end-up visualizing about history of the culture. One cannot be blamed to think so as the country has a vast and prominent history. The modern-day writing deals with all topics modern be it about feminism, homosexuality, misogynist among many other topics. France has over the years become a melting-pot of culture with multiculturalism, religious extremism and racial diversity. These things have provided a perfect backdrop for excellent contemporary French writings. With the new-age writers one gets to read about the modern France, modern stories and more relatable scenarios.
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